Shop Hands Collection
Shop FAMF Collection

Hands Collection
Inspired by our iconic handshake created in 2008, when we dubbed our friend group “The WAHBs.” The hands collection promotes strength in unity, respect and human connection.
The power of this handshake symbolizes the everlasting bonds we've created with each other and we strive to share this connection amongst our communities and to the world.

Friends Are My Family Collection
Sometimes the people we're closest with aren't related to us by blood. We form our closest relationships with those we confide in, share experiences with and feel bonded to. And for us, those bonds have come in the form of friendship turned to brotherhood - bonds that run thicker than blood.
The Friends Are My Family collection pays homage to those who, like us, honor their friends as chosen family. We believe that having a strong support system around you, no matter what you call it, is what guides us through life. Family will always be family, but friends are family, too.